Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Waterproofs and Wellies

You will need to make sure your child is appropriately dressed which means proper waterproof clothing and a bag to transport it in. You won’t need an additional jacket if the one your child has is waterproof with a hood.

When the weather gets chilly you will need to send your child with an additional fleece and some warm, waterproof gloves. If you have any grown-out-of waterproofs and wellies at home, we would very gratefully receive them so we have some spares at school. Thank you!


Miss Gates leads Outdoor Learning across the Federation. You can contact Miss Gates at

Click to download –

Outdoor Learning Overview 2024-25

Please make sure your child is properly equipped!

There is no such thing as BAD WEATHER, just UNSUITABLE CLOTHING!

These websites offer a good range of products and prices:

If you need some help sourcing suitable clothing, please contact Mrs Westhorpe or Miss Gates.

Outdoor learning is so much more than learning outside.  Through a range of activities from den building to nature watching to growing food, the children will develop our school values at the heart of everything they do.  Respect for each other and the environment will be nurtured through collaborative projects that improve the outdoor provision across the curriculum.  Relationships will be fostered through this collaboration and extended to include the wider community, building a sustainable future for the federation.  Determination will underpin our outdoor learning through assessing and balancing risk and benefit, building resilience and encouraging perseverance.  The outdoor learning provision will provide dynamic learning using available resources that draws on the curiosity of the children and helps equip them for successful learning.

Shelter for Outdoor Learning and Forest School – THANK YOU!

Thank you to the Tesco Groundworks Community Fund for providing funding to install our new Outdoor Learning shelter at Shalfleet.
The structure will provide much needed shelter in inclement weather and a central Outdoor Learning space for the children to enjoy.
Thank you to everyone who voted for the school in the local Tesco store.

Some photos of the animals caught on our new wildlife camera at Freshwater site!

The children at Yarmouth have been designing the garden for their new school site!

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