Vision & Values
Together for a Brighter FutureWe value and respect everyone within an atmosphere of Christian love. Our welcoming community builds strong relationships and is dedicated to supporting everyone to flourish academically, emotionally, socially and culturally through an excellent and engaging curriculum.
Our Christian Values
Respect, Resilience and Relationships
The Conscious Community
As a Federation we decided that we wanted to have 3 main school values that the children could all identify with. They are Respect, Resilience and Relationships. As we are church schools our values needed to be Christian based and we felt these were all qualities that Jesus had or would like us to show in ourselves and to others. Our values and our conscious community are very important in everything we do and they link to our Bible Stories, our spirituality boards and our vision for our Federation.
Every pupil, member of staff, Governor and any visitor to our school is expected to follow and agree to our Conscious community. Every person in our federation has an important responsibility. That is to be the best you can be. To do this you need to be aware of all that you do and feel; you also need to be aware of what others are doing and feeling too. This is what being in a conscious community is all about.
- are open
- are honest
- listen
- ask questions
- speak up
- respect privacy
Each term the children think about what the values means to them, and they complete work for it. By the end of this school year, all children will have learnt about the 3 values. They are on display in the school hall, in the school entrance and each classroom has a display of the value they are currently learning about.
Celebrate your skills and talents
Recognise what makes you great
Be proud of what you achieve
Celebrate other people’s skills and talents
Recognise what makes other people great
Be proud of what other people achieve
Making mistakes are great. It’s how we grow. It is important we always respect them and learn from them.
Ask yourself these questions about your actions or the actions of others….
Why do I/they feel this way?
Did I/they handle that situation in the best way possible?
What could I/they do to improve the situation?
Did I/they do the best I/they could?
What can we learn from this situation?
How can we move forward positively?
Show a good understanding of yourself and others by knowing what inspires you both, what you want, your beliefs, your needs and what can cause you and them to feel a certain way.
In situations ask yourself and others….
What is my/their point of view?
What are my/their reasons?
How am I/they feeling?
What am I/they bringing to this situation?