General Data Protection Regulation
As you are aware on 25th May 2018 our Data Protection laws were updated and replaced with the General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR is an EU regulation that’s designed to strengthen data protection for everyone in the public, private and third sector, giving back control to individuals.
GDPR covers data stored on servers, databases, websites and even on paper. And it’s being introduced because of the huge advances in technology, which have had an incredible impact on the way data is used and stored.
In practical terms, it means doing everything reasonably possible to protect sensitive and personal data. It relates to governance, structure, security measures, cyber security breach procedures, risk management … essentially anything that involves data.
To comply with these update laws, we now have Privacy Notices to outline what data we keep, how it is stored and who we can share information with. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.