Little Stars
Our dedicated team of staff, overseen by Freshwater & Yarmouth C of E Primary School, work continually to maintain excellent level of care for your children and this is confirmed by our Ofsted report which received GOOD in all areas.
About Us
As we are set in the school grounds it ensures a happy and seamless transition from the pre-school into the Reception year ensuring that each individual child’s needs are met. The liason with Freshwater & Yarmouth Early Years Foundation Stage is excellent with the pre-school sharing outside space and resources. This partnership is mutually beneficial, enabling a sharing of expertise and a seamless transfer when the children are ready to start school.
Our main objective is to ensure that the children have fun, enjoy their time with us and learn in a calm, relaxed, natural way. We endeavour to provide an educationally stimulating environment in which the children feel valued and able to progress at their own speed. We aim to be approachable, open to parents/carers and their families, knowledgeable and helpful wherever we can.
We encourage all aspects of your child’s development, creating a balance between freedom and discipline, creativity and control.
We strive to achieve this with the following objectives:
- To encourage a family atmosphere, teaching children to have respect for each other, thereby learning to relate to one another and building an attitude of caring and sharing.
- To encourage learning through play by providing games and activities which develop your child’s skills and self-awareness.
- To provide materials and challenges aimed at encouraging excitement and motivation for learning.
Staff & Contact Details
Georgina Westhorpe (Early Years Co-Ordinator and Deputy Head Teacher)
Sadie Gooding (Little Stars Supervisor)
Luisa Lobato (Deputy Supervisor)
All staff hold a minimum Level 3 in Nursery Nursing or Childcare & Education
Little Stars Pre-School, Freshwater & Yarmouth CofE Primary School, 79 School Green Road, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, PO40 9AX
TEL: 01983 760345
Please see our latest Ofsted Report from 15th May 2015 – Rated as Good!
“Children make good progress in their learning.”
“Great care is taken to build string attachments with all children.”
“Partnerships with parents are effective.”
“Safeguarding is given high priority.”
Hours and Fees
The setting is open 5 days a week Term Time only 8.45 am – 2.45 pm.
Please be advised that schools can take up to 5 Development Day closures during an academic year which may alter the start/end date of any school term
The setting accepts children from 2 years of age.
2-3 years – £6.00 per hour
3-4 years – £5.50 per hour
For more information regarding fees please see the Pre-School Charging Policy.
Little Stars accepts funding including 2 year old & 30 hour funding for those children that are eligible. We are also happy to use the governments Tax Free Childcare Scheme/vouchers.
Please click this link to find out if you can get help with childcare costs –
From the term after their 3rd birthday children are eligible for funding for 15 hours a week.
Children born on or between………Are eligible for funding from……..
1st April and 31st Aug 1st Sep following their 3rd birthday
1st Sep and 31st Dec 1st Jan following their 3rd birthday
1st Jan and 31st March 1st April following their 3rd birthday
The health and safety of the children within our care is of paramount importance to us.
Little Stars is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Medicine & Health
At least one qualified first aider is on the premises at all times. If a child is taken ill during their time with us we will contact a parent/carer.
We are unable to administer medicines unless perscribed by a doctor and a permission form must be completed.
Travel & Parking
Parents who bring and collect children by car can use the main public car park at Moa Place.
There is a permit scheme in operation, so please ensure you display the parking permit (obtainable from the main school office) and stay within the time limits.
Food & Drink
Please provide your child with a named water bottle. If attending for lunchtimes children can be provided with a packed lunch or obtain a school dinner.
Children enjoy sharing fruit at snack time and we ask for a donation of fruit once a week if possible.
Caring for Babies and Toddlers Policy
Childrens Wellbeing in the Nursery Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Environmental Sustainability Policy
Staff Working with Their Own Children or Close Relation
Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits Policy
Yarmouth Little Stars – Policies
The setting’s policies help us to ensure that we provide high quality services to both the children who attend the setting and their parents/carers. Our policies have been adapted from the policies of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and fulfill the welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. If you would like to see further polices there is a folder containing the setting’s polices and procedures in the reception or please ask a member of staff. These policies and procedures can also be obtained by email request.
For all other policies please go to The Federation of the Church Schools of Shalfleet and Yarmouth main website
or click the button below to take you directly to the Policies page.
We aim to provide a safe, caring environment to enhance the development of your child, a place where they can be happy, learn and progress through having fun. What your child learns at Little Stars is the basic foundation for school studies and beyond.
Your child’s ‘Unique Child Profile’ which we use to track your child’s progress and development will be located in your child’s tray enabling you another way to monitor and contribute to your child’s development records.
At Little Stars children will learn to….
- To use language and communicate with other children and adults
- To listen and respond as part of a group
- To enjoy stories, poems and music
- To recognise that written words carry meaning, stories and ideas
- To compare objects/materials and to make predictions about them based upon experience
- To create and recognise patterns and sequences
- To understand simple ideas of length, weight and volume
- To use their senses to enjoy and explore their environment
- To observe living things
- To become aware of other cultures and beliefs
- To name shapes and colours
- To begin to understand how their body works
- To think about other people and their lives
- To acquire the skills and co-ordination they need for both large and small motor skills
- To find ways to tackle problems
- To come to terms with their emotions and learn to express their feelings
All of these skills are vital to every child. They are the tools that aid all future development, both academically and socially.