Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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The PTFA at Shalfleet and Freshwater & Yarmouth are both active groups, through which we bring together a combination of parents, staff, governors and other West Wight locals, who are interested in supporting the school’s and pre-schools within the community.  Both PTFA’s like to join forces for various activities throughout the year which bring our federated communities together.

All parents are automatically members while their children are on the school roll.  Activities include a variety of fundraising events, informative evenings and generally giving assistance to the school as and when needed.  The income raised is an important way of enhancing school resources, and we ask parents to support our functions as much as possible.

Shalfleet Church of England (V.C.) Primary School

Shalfleet School has an active FOSS (Friends of Shalfleet School) group. We fund raise throughout the year and hold many fun events for both the children and parents/carers. In the past, these have included quiz nights, children’s discos, beetle drives, cake sales and various fayres. The money raised through these events enable the school to benefit from extra equipment that they would otherwise not have. If you would like to join FOSS or have any ideas for fundraising, please do come along to one of our meetings, you would be very welcome – Check the school weekly newsletter for dates and times of events for you to come along and support and also for meetings.

Any help and ideas are welcome please get in touch 07788596714 or

Freshwater & Yarmouth Church of England (Aided) Primary School

The PTFA of Freshwater & Yarmouth School is an active group through which we bring together a combination of parents, staff, governors and other West Wight locals, who are interested in supporting the School and Pre-School within the community.

All parents are automatically members while their children are on the school roll. Activities include a variety of fund-raising events, informative evenings and generally giving assistance to the school as and when needed. The income raised is an important way of enhancing school resources, and we ask parents to support our functions as much as possible.

If you are able to help, please contact Rachel Dunleavey via email

Shalfleet PTFA News

School Fayre and Film Afternoon – PTFA raised an amazing total of £1,666.19
Thank you so much for all your support.


We have had another busy year providing the school, preschool and ultimately all our children with lots of wonderful extras, absolutely amazing in the current climate.

This year the PTFA have funded:

Year R parent wellness bags
£250 of play equipment for the year 1 classroom
School pavillion – almost £5,000 paid by the PTFA and we also secured £5,500 of donations from other sources
Christmas book for every school child
Christmas gifts for every pre-school child
£5 for every child towards their class trip
Ice lolly for every child at sports day
Year 6 leavers hoodies & meal
We also held the pancake races and Easter egg hunt where every child received sweets and chocolate

We had a group of children bag packing at Tesco, there have been 2 film nights, 2 discos, the coronation picnic, sports day & our 2 fayres.  These fundraising events also bring a lot of fun to the children’s school year and we hope to you too.

None of this would be possible without the kindness of all the families and businesses who are very generous in their donations of cakes, raffle prizes, tombola items etc and of course those of you who come along to support the events so we thank you for that.

The PTFA team have been brilliant as always and we have enjoyed every minute too.  Unfortunately we say goodbye to Sam & Jody as their children leave Shalfleet, we have lost quite a few people over the last couple of years and as our numbers diminish it proves more and more tricky.  If you can spare any time to help please get in touch; we try to meet for half an hour or so once every half term to discuss upcoming events, we have a WhatsApp group where we also discuss plans and any funding requests we receive from school and of course we always need helpers at our events, we do have a lot of fun so do come and join in.  Any help and ideas are welcome please get in touch 07788596714 or

Next school year we are looking to fund a new trim trail & outdoor learning area – it will be amazing to see that achieved!

Enjoy your summer with your children.

Gina & the PTFA team

Freshwater & Yarmouth PTFA News


Thank you so much for all the wonderful cake donations we received for the Randonee. The day was brilliant despite the rain and we’ve made £2150 in profit.
This wouldn’t be possible without all the volunteers. We had governors, teachers, parents and grandparents who gave up their time for free, so a big thank you to
you all!

Also wonderful news, we have been awarded a £1000 grant from Tesco to purchase benches and outdoor seating for the children to enjoy their lunch on in nice
weather. A huge thank you to Tesco and to everyone for voting for us with their blue tokens!

Thank you
PTA Team

What a fabulous disco….. the kids were superb.
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered to help make it a success especially Central Disco who donated the disco free of charge to the kids.

We raised £228 profit.


Amazing news, the PTA won top prize from the Tesco community scheme. A huge thank you to everyone who posted a blue token to vote for our school.
£1500 will go towards the new play equipment for all the children to use.

Thank you!

We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the PTA for donating over £400 to buy new playground equipment. The children have been having so much fun!

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