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Religious Education

National Curriculum Statement

Purpose of study

Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils; and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


Pupils should follow a balanced and broadly based curriculum which ‘promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical development of pupils and of society, and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’. Learning about and from religions and beliefs, through the distinct knowledge, understanding and skills contained in RE within a broad-based curriculum, is essential to achieving these aims. Exploring the concepts of religion and belief and their roles in the spiritual, moral and cultural lives of people in a diverse society helps individuals develop moral awareness and social understanding.


Our Intent

By the time our children leave our school, our RE provision will have offered our children an insight into exploring the theological positions of a range of religious practises linked to leading their lives individually and collectively, all within the spiritual atmosphere of Christian love in our church schools.

Living Difference IV RE Syllabus

Living Difference IV is the agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton & the Isle of Wight – please click on the link for a copy of the Syllabus – Living Difference IV

RE entitlement is:

EYFS & KS1 36 hours taught RE from the Living Difference IV syllabus
KS2 45 hours taught RE from the Living Difference IV syllabus.


National Curriculum Statement

Purpose of study

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education.  We expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.

Our Intent

By the time our children leave our school, our Personal, Social and Healthy Education provision aims to have prepared them with the knowledge and equipped them with tools needed as they progress onto Secondary school and beyond. This will involve discussing and covering essential topics such as drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle, tailored to the children’s year group and understanding. These will be taught in a safe, understanding environment where questions will be encouraged and answered sensitively and thoroughly.

Click to download – PSHE Foundation Plan Progression & Coverage

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) Education

Click to download our schools….

SMSC Statement

SMSC Whole School Grid

Promoting SMSC Wheel Evaluation

Emotional Development Flow Chart

Progression of Skills

Communicate – children relating their own experience to a religious concept.

Apply – Listening to other’s opinions and relating them to their own experience of the religious concept in different situations.

Enquire – Introducing material of varying complexity prompting the children to reflect collaboratively and becoming more intellectually humble.

Contextualise – Looking at the concept within a specific religious context.

Evaluate – Children are able to summarise their experience of the concept.

Foundation Stage (Year R) children in general will engage with aspects of Christianity and the other religion being explored in Key Stage 1. At Key Stage 1 children are required to study Christianity and one other religion. At Key Stage 2 children are required to study Christianity and two other religions.

Progression of Skills

These are the areas that will be covered each year (one each half term) throughout our children’s time at the Federation.

1.New beginnings

2.Getting on and falling out

3.Going for goals

4.Good to be me



Monitoring & Evaluating

Impact of the implementation of the RE & PSHE curriculum is measured in a variety of ways.

These include:

Pupil Conferencing

Work Scrutiny – alongside teacher’s planning

Assessment data

Learning walks

Learning environment


This initiative is building on the previous Healthy Schools work undertaken. It focuses on the knowledge that healthy children are more ready, willing and able to learn. If we improve school-aged children’s physical activity, healthy eating, PSHE, emotional health and wellbeing we expect to see another shift forward in academic achievement, aspiration and therefore their future life prospects and longer term health outcomes.

Public Health in partnership with schools and wider stakeholders across health, education and children’s services have worked to co-produce a framework to enable and embed a whole-system, whole-school and whole-child approach to improving wellbeing, health, behaviour and attainment within, and through, school settings.

We are calling this PEACH – Partnership for Education, Attainment and Children’s Health.

The PEACH framework is composed of 34 criteria within the four domains; Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, PSHE and Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health. Below are a selection of some of the criteria we had to meet.

Demonstrating how teaching and learning throughout whole-school curriculum explores, values and reflects pupil diversity and views. Responding to current, and emerging, issues ensuring that the PSHE curriculum is representative of context.

Physical Activity
Physical Activity Policy showing how all pupils and staff are supported to be more active, more often. A range of Physical Activity and Sport extra-curricular activities tailored to pupil interest and abilities with links to community physical activity and sport groups. Participation in non-sedentary activity during the school day including promotion and practice of movement based teaching, learning and revision.

Healthy eating
A clear curriculum plan that explores the associations with healthy eating e.g. oral health, crop to plate; ensuring that the importance of nutrition is conveyed.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing
A curriculum plan for students to explore and understand emotions and feelings, utilising practical evidence-informed initiatives. Whole-school approach to actively raise awareness and address stigma and discrimination. Having a pastoral support system in place for both students and staff, with a referral pathway to appropriate advice and support. Providing opportunities for individuals to participate in school activities in order to build confidence, resilience and self-esteem.

Both Shalfleet and Yarmouth schools have recently had an assessment of where we are along this path. Each area was assessed within these core standards.

Core standards:
1. School Leadership
2. Policy and Ethos
3. Teaching and learning practice
4. System/Service support
5. Training and CPD
6. Pupils and Parent/Carer involvement

After we had collated all our evidence to present to the panel for awarding, we are pleased to announce we were awarded the Bronze PEACH standard for both schools. We are now working towards the SILVER award.

The hard work of all our staff, pupils and parents across the federation helped us achieve this award. A big thank you to everyone.

PEACH – Relationships Art Exhibition at Quay Arts

In collaboration with the Executive Head-teacher Group, IWC Public Health worked with key stakeholders to co-produce and develop a new ‘whole-school’ framework for Island primary schools. This partnership, known as PEACH: Partnership for Education, Attainment and Children’s Health focuses on four domains:

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE)
  • Physical activity
  • Healthy Eating
  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Excitingly, the ‘Relationships’ Art project allows us to bring PEACH into the wider community, showcasing and celebrating both the great work that takes place in Schools and the creativity of our Island pupils.

The exhibition brief for Schools was “creatively demonstrate what ‘Relationships’ mean to you? This could be around friendship, family, relationship with oneself or even linked to community and wider planet through the likes of the Island’s UNESCO biosphere status or COP26 agenda.”

Earlier this year both Yarmouth and Shalfleet schools were invited to take part in an exhibition in collaboration with PEACH and the Quay Arts Centre, in Newport. Schools from across the Island took part, interpreting the theme of “Relationships”. As one of our school values, it was a theme close to our hearts and the children had a wonderful range of ideas and interpretations. 

It was an amazing opportunity for some of our most talented artists from all year groups to see their artwork in a real gallery. I also managed to work with Reception at Yarmouth to create the beautiful heart of handprints, something the children really enjoyed. The children were involved at every stage of the process, from brainstorming ideas and deciding on materials to designing and painting the final pieces. Each week children gave up their time to meet and work together on their artwork.

They all worked so hard and can be very proud of their achievement. It was a proud moment for me to see their work in the Clayden Gallery at the Quay Arts Centre and to receive such wonderful feedback from those who had managed to view the exhibition with their families.

By Gemma Whitehead (Y4 Teacher at Yarmouth)

MAD-Aid Charity Fund Raising 

Here is Rosie and Leo handing over the money that the year 4 classes raised through their book sales in PSHE. 
We raised an impressive £440 across both schools!
Victoria Dunford, founder and CEO of MAD-Aid charity, came to collect the money. Victoria has received the British Empire Medal from Her Majesty the Queen II. She was the first Moldovan born to receive a medal from the Queen. Victoria told us that despite the honour of receiving this amazing medal, the most incredible moment of all is being able to help so many people through the charity work that they do.
We know the money is going to a great cause and will help so many during this very difficult time as their charity work is ‘dedicated to the people who need it most.’
A huge well done again to Year 4, and all their families and friends, who helped donate books and support the book sale. 
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