Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Morning Routine

Children are entitled to 32.5 hours per week in school – equating to 6.5 hours per day.

A very successful “Drop-Off Scheme” operates each morning from 08:10 – 08:25, using the dedicated car pull-in spaces within the school grounds, the children will be greeted and accompanied to the playground or classroom by one of a number of adult parent/carer volunteers.

For reception children first starting school we do appreciate that parents/carers will want to settle their child in to class and therefore we welcome parents/carers to initially bring them directly into the classroom, rather than the playground.  Special arrangements will also be made for new children joining the school who are not of reception age. We do encourage older children to become independent as soon as possible, coming into school by themselves and taking responsibility for hanging up their coats and bags.

Once your child has arrived at school and the register has been called we check to make sure that all external doors are unable to be opened from the outside. Main access to the school is then via the doors signposted Reception where the school office manage enquiries.

Early Morning Club and After School Care

This is offered through Little Explorers Preschool. Spaces can be booked via the Preschool (01983 760269) at a cost of:

Early Morning Club £2.75

After School Club £5.00

Times of the Day

8.30am – Registration

10.15am – KS1 morning break

10.30am – KS2 morning break

12 noon – Lunch starts (KS1 lunch in hall then playtime / KS2 playtime then lunch in hall)

1.00pm – Lunch ends and lessons start

3.00pm – School finishes (see pick up times below)

Pick up Times

3.00pm – Reception Class Singles 
3.05pm – Year 1 & 2 Singles
3.15pm – Siblings and taxi children 

3.25pm – Key Stage 2 Singles and independent leavers 


In conjunction with the “Drop-Off Scheme” we also run a “Pick-Up Scheme”.

All staff take their responsibility very seriously to ensure that all children leave the school premises safely and on time.

The ‘pick up’ system, which was put in place a few years ago, has ensured that parents/carers can pick their children up safely and conveniently. The school staff have been instrumental in enabling this to happen, with many of the teachers and TAs going above and beyond their contracted duties to make sure that pick up runs smoothly.

Independant Leavers

If your child is in Year 5 or Year 6 and you wish them to be an independant leaver, please can you contact the school office where they will provide you with the relevant consent paperwork.

To support us in making our system a success, please do adhere to the pick up times and leave the school site in a timely fashion. Inform the school office by 2.30pm at the latest if there any any changes to the pick up arrangements for your child.

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