Special Educational Needs and Disability
Inclusion and Family SupportThe Federations Inclusion Manager is Mrs Georgina Westhorpe supported by Mrs Heather Eggleton.
Our SENCO team can be contacted on SENCO@fosay.co.uk
As a federation we are passionate that every child deserves a fully inclusive education to ensure they have the best chance to succeed. We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and our strong relationships with our school families and outside agencies.
In all schools there are children identified as having Special Educational Needs. Children can be identified by their parents, class teachers or outside professionals when they are unable to make adequate progress through the provision that the school provides for the majority. Children identified as having a Special Educational Need who, through discussion involving parents, teachers and the child, are placed on the SEN register. When identified as having a SEND need, the child will be added to the class provision map and where appropriate will have an Individual Education Plan depending on their specific needs. These detail any additional arrangements and teaching enabling them to progress.
Nationally all schools will now publish a document called a ‘local offer’; which will outline what schools are offering for pupils with additional needs and/or disability. Please click below to download Yarmouth and Shalfeet’s ‘local offer’. We have tried to make sure that we haven’t used jargon and that our school local offer is easy to understand. If you would like to comment on this please email us at the above SENCO email address.
If you are at all concerned about your child’s progress and development you are able to make an appointment with the headteacher for further discussion.
Shalfleet SEND Local Offer
F&Y SEND Local Offer
“The Isle of Wight Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this. To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, the Isle of Wight Local Authority have published a local offer. For more information about the Local Offer please use the following link:
Useful Links
Please see below some useful links to further SEND information:
Local Authority SEND Service
11 Orchard Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 1JZ
Tel: 01983 825548
Email: sendiass@iow.gov.uk
SENDIASS Isle of Wight offers free, impartial, confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves.
Speech and Language Support
The following document from The Communication Trust includes recommended games and activities to promote children’s speech and language development that are fun and easy to do whilst at the same time encouraging your children’s communication skills.
Visit https://speechandlanguage.org.uk/ for further information, free resources and to sign up for regular updates.
Autism and Asperger’s
This document is helpful in spotting the possible signs and understanding Asperger’s / High Functioning Autism –
Some helpful websites –
Mental Health Support
CAMHs – Please find below the link to the new CAMHs website for Hampshire; there are some helpful materials on the website. Hampshire CAMHS is an NHS specialist service for young people aged 0-18 years and their families who are experiencing difficulties with their mental and emotional health.
Child Bereavement Resource Sheet
Other useful websites –