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Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Any feed back regarding the website is also gratefully received.

Dear Parent/Carer


May we take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to our school community.  We hope that you settle well into our school routines.  If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our warm and caring ethos supports and develops our children to become confident, caring and successful individuals.  Setting them up with the skills and values that they will need to achieve their full potential now and throughout their lives.  Our staff are dedicated to engaging every child in learning across a broad curriculum.  We celebrate the achievements and successes of all.  Together we have strong partnerships and positive relationships between children, staff, parents, carers, governors and the wider community.

The Federation

The Federation of the Church Schools of Shalfleet and Freshwater & Yarmouth are two Primary Schools both based in vibrant communities in the west of the Isle of Wight.  The Federation has been in existence since 1st September 2010, has one Governing Body and one Headteacher.  We have worked exceptionally closely together, successfully expanding to provide education as a full 2-11 primary school at Freshwater & Yarmouth and 0-11 at Shalfleet.  We have improved and extended our buildings, developed the curriculum and further raised standards of attainment. Both schools are rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted.  As Christian Schools, we value each child as special and unique in the sight of God and, through love, challenge and opportunities, enable them to develop as confident, caring and successful young people within our ‘Safe Haven’.


Shalfleet is a rural primary school, situated just outside the village of Shalfleet in the West Wight area of the Island.  We have seven classes spread across the school in single year groups.  The team of committed staff plan and deliver exciting learning opportunities and are dedicated to providing high quality education to our learners, allowing each pupil to reach their full potential.  Scealdan Fleot means ‘shallow water’ and refers to the area around Shalfleet creek where boats could come and anchor safely.  In our school, a save haven, we want every child to enjoy learning and have a sense of belonging to our school family.

Open door policy

Despite the installation of security measures for the safety of the children and staff, the school still has an ‘open door’ policy.  We welcome parental consultation at any time.  If you wish to meet staff at length, please see the staff concerned to arrange an appointment.

We aim to: –

  • Promote equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff
  • Ensure that everyone will experience an inclusive education where discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, gender or disability is actively challenged, and tolerance & understanding promoted
  • Meet children’s individual and collective needs
  • Provide a stimulating, secure and nurturing environment
  • Promote an ethos that is highly motivating and encourages all to take responsibility for their own learning
  • Provide an environment where we feel secure, valued, respected and understood
  • Encourage all to have a positive self-image, high self-esteem and increasing
  • confidence
  • Value and celebrate the richness and diversity of cultures and beliefs in our community
  • Celebrate achievement, attainment and progress in all areas of development
  • Display high standards of good manners and politeness at all times
  • Encourage all to have a sense of responsibility for themselves, for each other
  • and for their environment.
  • To provide opportunities for the children’s spiritual, moral and cultural growth.
  • To develop knowledge, understanding and practice of mathematics.
  • To encourage historical, geographical and scientific curiosity and organise observational studies, particularly though the local environment
  • To foster understanding and appreciation of creative arts, and to develop these skills through music, art, drama and movement.
  • To encourage physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
  • To provide personal, social and health education and encourage good citizenship.
  • To provide opportunities for developing the skills of Information Technology.
  • To encourage the development of skills needed for the 21st Century across all areas of the curriculum.
  • To foster a love for learning by providing real life opportunities whenever possible.
  • To allow each individual to see a real purpose for their learning and for them to understand how they are able to transfer skills to their everyday life.

Being Church schools, we recognise the importance of the teaching of Christian values.  We have close ties with both Freshwater, Yarmouth and Shalfleet parish.  The children regularly visit the Churches and regular assemblies and RE lessons are held in accordance with the Education Act 1994.

The attainment targets of Key Stage 1 & 2 in all subjects of the National Curriculum will be covered with each year group.