Travel & Parking
Shalfleet Primary School encourages and supports the whole school community to travel more actively and sustainably where possible. Studies show that travelling actively can help develop physical and mental well-being, social interaction, independent travel skills and good road sense. This helps ready our children for when they leave Shalfleet Primary. We work with a range of external providers, such as Sustrans and the Isle of Wight Council, to keep up-to-date with any appropriate schemes or grants that help us deliver this policy.
Shalfleet has achieved its Bronze Award for Sustainable Travel through SUSTRANS!
Our Car Sharing Scheme is one of the main ways of reducing the number of cars coming to school. Please register with the school if you wish to join – where possible we will put you in touch with families in your area or along your route. We would be delighted to know if you are already car sharing!
Pick up Times
3.00pm – Reception Class Singles
3.05pm – Year 1 & 2 Singles
3.15pm – Siblings
3.25pm – Key Stage 2 Singles
In conjunction with the “Drop-Off Scheme” we also run a “Pick-Up Scheme”.
All staff take their responsibility very seriously to ensure that all children leave the school premises safely and on time.
The ‘pick up’ system, which was put in place a few years ago, has ensured that parents/carers can pick their children up safely and conveniently. The school staff have been instrumental in enabling this to happen, with many of the teachers and TAs going above and beyond their contracted duties to make sure that pick up runs smoothly.
Independant Leavers
If your child is in Year 5 or Year 6 and you wish them to be an independant leaver, please can you contact the school office where they will provide you with the relevant consent paperwork.
To support us in making our system a success, please do adhere to the pick up times and leave the school site in a timely fashion. Inform the school office by 2.30pm at the latest if there any any changes to the pick up arrangements for your child.
Parents/carers parking on Station Road are reminded of the legal requirement to keep the junction clear and to avoid causing obstruction by parking on the blind bend. We also urge everyone to exercise extreme caution at busy times and show consideration to residents by leaving driveways clear.
The school has a car park area immediately adjacent to the Horse & Groom Pub car park. Using the area for parking does entail crossing the main road, which is often busy and has limited visibility, so extra care needs to be taken. We would strongly recommend use of the Drop-Off and Pick-Up Schemes which eliminate the need to cross the road.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind the school community that the disabled parking spaces are for specific children with disabilities enabling them to get safely to their cars. This is not just for ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ times but includes times when children may be getting picked up from after school clubs etc. Please be very mindful of using these bays appropriately.