Welcome to Year 3, Star Class at Shalfleet Primary
We welcome you and your child to Key Stage 2 and Year 3 Star class. This is to let you know about some of our routines.
Staff – The teacher for Star Class is Mrs Blackley and our TA is Chloe Wildish with Hannah Bird on Wednesday. On Monday afternoons it will be Outdoor learning or PSHE and then computing with Mrs Munn.
Please see below for key information however if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks Mrs Blackley
Click to download the following planning documents
Y3 Star MTP Autumn – Stone Age to Iron Age
Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.
This years class charity is Race for Life
Autumn 1
Butser Farm Trip
Autumn 2
Estelle Baker Workshop (Stone Age to Iron Age)
Spring 1
Fossil exploration
Spring 2
Greek day – parents in
Summer 1
County Show Education Day – DT topic challenge – parents in
Summer 2
Geography – Local area study
PE & Outdoor Learning
P.E – In Star Class, we have P.E. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children are asked to come to school wearing the correct clothing on these days; they will also be responsible for removing jewellery and keeping it safe during P.E. lessons.
Outdoor Learning – The class will be having outdoor learning on Monday afternoons (please can children come in school uniform and bring their outdoor learning clothes and boots in a named bag on this day).
As your child enters Key Stage 2, their homework commitments and expectations will alter to reflect their growing maturity. The weekly homework timetable for Year 3 is as follows:
English – set on Mondays – to be handed in by Thursdays
Maths – set on Thursdays – to be completed in by Mondays
Topic –one topic task to be completed
Topic homework will consist of a topic grid which will have a variety of tasks related to the topic; children can choose any task. The work should be completed on A4 paper. They hand in the tasks once they are complete; they are expected to be completed independently, although some guidance may be needed. Children are expected to read their school book or other media on a daily basis. Homework will also involve learning spellings. As ever, with all homework, your support would be greatly appreciated as discussion and practise will help improve confidence.
Food & Drink
Snack at break time – Please can the children bring in their own piece of fruit or a healthy snack for morning break time.
Drinks – Each child will need to bring in a named water bottle to drink water throughout the day.
Please continue to hear your child read regularly at home. Regular reading really does make a difference – aiding fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and ultimately confidence. Please make sure that your child always has their reading book with them in their bags at school. Children will continue with their reading record, and it is helpful if you can write in it each time that your child reads with you please – even other books read from home.
In class, we will be doing various reading activities throughout the week, often linked to our class text.