Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Trips & other off-site activities

We encourage school trips and ensure that all year groups access a trip to the mainland each year.  All trips have an educational value and tie in with our current curriculum.  Trip letters are sent home to all children and we aim to give as much notice as possible.  If, for any reason, the cost of the trip is causing you an issue, we ask that you contact the school office to discuss confidentially.  Children in receipt of Free School Meals can apply for a discount against the cost, it is not standard practise for all FSM children to have their trips automatically paid for. 

Annual residential trips provide Year 6 pupils the opportunity to experience their first trip away from home.  In the past we have visited PGL, with pupils from both our Year 6 classes. The visit allows pupils to form friendships with a wider network of children prior to their transfer to secondary schools.

Educational day trips

During the school year, teachers often plan appropriate outings relating to the curriculum. These visits help children to see a real purpose for their learning within the classroom, relating it to real life events and opportunities.

Some of the places we have visited are: The SeaCity Museum, Southampton, Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House, Blue Reef Aquarium & Beaulieu

Charging policy

There is no compulsory charge for the usual curricular activities at school.  For some activities, such as school trips, the school will ask for a voluntary financial contribution in order for the activity to take place.  No child will be excluded from an educational activity because the parent has not made a voluntary contribution.  However, the school may have to cancel planned events if there is insufficient financial support.

Breakfast Club

The school offers an early morning drop-off from 8-8.15am onwards. This must be booked ahead of time via Scopay/Tucasi. After the Easter Holidays 2023 we will be introducing a nominal fee of 50p per day for the Morning Club at Freshwater to cover staffing costs. Please park off site and walk to the school unless you are a blue badge holder. Please sign your child in at the main school entrance.

After School Club

The school offers an After School Club until 4pm. This must be booked ahead of time via Scopay.

This facility is £4.50 per hour.

After School Clubs

We provide a range of activities, mainly after school, thanks to the generous support of staff, parents and volunteers.  In most cases there is a charge for the Club to cover costs involved, however if you are in receipt of free school meals there will be a 50% subsidy.

We are very grateful to all those who give up their time to provide these extra-curricular activities and are always interested in ideas for new clubs, so if any parent/carer would like to offer their expertise to set up a new club, please do talk to one of the members of staff. Please see below for details & photos of some of our after school clubs.

Please download the latest clubs maps F&Y Clubs Map Summer 2

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