Standard Assessment Tests
Year 6 SATsFor more information and free downloadable previous practice SATs papers go to
Useful websites can be found on the following – Useful websites and weblinks-for-sats-practice
When do SATs take place?
2025 Year 6 SATs Timetable
The KS2 SATs dates for 2025 are Monday, 12 May to Thursday, 15 May. Have a look at the table below for the dates of each test.
Date | Test |
Monday 12 May 2025 | English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 |
Tuesday 13 May 2025 | English reading |
Wednesday 14 May 2025 | Maths papers 1 and 2 |
Thursday 15 May 2025 | Maths paper 3 |
Easter Holiday Revision Practice Booklets & Answers
10-4-10-READING / 10-4-10-READING answers
10-4-10-SPAG / 10-4-10 SPAG answers
10-4-10 working towards questions / 10-4-10 working towards answers
10-4-10 expected standard questions / 10-4-10 expected standard answers
10-4-10 greater depth questions / 10-4-10 greater depth answers
Easter Holiday Revision
You have already put in lots of hard work to get ready for your SATs. Just to keep your learning brains ticking along, we have set some revision tasks for the Easter holidays.
We have two very simple rules:
- Aim to revise on 10 different days. A little bit of revision is best, (30 minutes maximum each day). Remember relaxing and having fun is also very important.
- Think about what you need to spend some extra time on. It is best to revise things you are not sure about so that you make the most of your time.
If it’s too hard, don’t worry, just make a note and ask us after Easter.
Your revision tasks:
Use your homework books to write down your answers. |
10-4-10 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Booklet |
10 minutes SPaG practice. |
10-4-10 English Reading |
10 minutes Reading comprehension practice
10-4-10 Easter Practice booklet |
10 minutes Maths practice covering arithmetic and reasoning questions.
Don’t forget to relax to and enjoy your holiday!
Maths Practice Papers and Answers
How are SATs marked?
KS1 SATs are marked by a child’s teacher and KS2 SATs are marked by external examiners.
SATs tests are marked and a child’s exam mark (e.g. 25/36 or 42/60) is called their ‘raw score’. This raw score is then converted to a ‘scaled score’ using a scaled score conversion chart.
Raw Scores? Scaled Scores?
A child’s raw score (or raw marks) is simply the total number of marks that pupil has scored on a test.
By using a conversion chart, the child’s raw scores are transformed into age standardised test scores or simply ‘scaled scores’.
Broadly speaking, scaled scores give a much easier indication of how a pupil is performing relative to the national sample of pupils of the same age group. The average score is always 100, hence a higher score is above average and a lower score is below average.
For SATs, scaled scores range between 80 and 120.
If a child’s scaled score is:
below 100, they have not reached the expected standard.
between 100 and 109, they have reached the expected standard.
110 or over, they have exceeded the expected standard and are judged as working at greater depth.
What is the purpose of SATs?
SATs measure children’s academic ability at a particular point in time against the expectations set out in the national curriculum.
Hence, SATs are very useful as they allow teachers to measure an individual child’s attainment and progress over time (between Year 2 and Year 6).
When individual results are grouped together across an entire school, city or region, SATs results allow local authorities and the government to make important comparisons.
Making easy comparisons helps the Department for Education (DfE) ensure that schools can be held to account for the attainment of their students and the progress they make.
Should I help prepare my child prepare?
Yes! SATs are likely your child’s first experience of a test and it’s important that they have a good experience.
If parents think their children could suffer a little exam-related anxiety, it only seems a good idea to help them through it, right?!
Providing a positive learning and test environment at home seems far more constructive attitude than ignoring any stress or weaknesses and hoping the tests get cancelled.
It needn’t take much time either, just a little bit of home learning here and there can work wonders for their schoolwork while tackling stress and boosting confidence. We would firmly recommend using past SATs papers or SATs practice papers.